The Ultimate Mum's Guide to Perfect Kids Photography 

Capturing Childhood - A Mum's Photographic Journey

Photography has the magical ability to freeze time, capturing moments that pass all too quickly, especially when it comes to our children. For mums, photographing kids isn’t just about taking pictures; it’s about preserving fleeting moments of childhood that tell a story of growth, joy, and the essence of family. However, capturing these perfect moments can be as challenging as it is rewarding. This guide aims to share essential tips on how to capture kids' moments that are perfect for printing, transforming everyday memories into lasting photo prints.

In today's digital age, where our photos are often just stored on our devices, the value of physical photo prints stands out even more. They are not just images; they are memories made tangible, ready to be framed, displayed, and cherished. 

This guide simplifies the process of capturing great photos of your children, mastering camera techniques and transforming digital images into cherished prints. Whether you're an experienced photographer or a mum with a smartphone, these tips will help you freeze those precious moments beautifully.

Key Insights 

  1. Understanding Your Child: Emphasises the importance of knowing your child's personality and preferences to capture genuine and natural expressions in photos.
  2. Creating the Right Environment: Highlights the significance of choosing comfortable, familiar settings and utilising natural light for authentic and relaxed child photography.
  3. Timing for Perfect Shots: Stresses the value of timing the photo sessions when children are most cooperative, and the need for patience to capture spontaneous and candid moments.
  4. Camera Techniques and Tips: Offers guidance on optimal camera settings for child photography, including advice on focus, framing, and composition, suitable for both DSLRs and smartphones.
  5. From Digital to Physical Prints: Discusses the selection of impactful photos for printing, the choice of print sizes and materials, and the importance of photo prints as tangible keepsakes in family storytelling and home decor.

Seeing Through Your Child's Eyes – Capturing Authentic Moments

Capturing photos of children, especially their real selves, is both wonderful and complex. To take great pictures of kids, it's important to get and value each child's own way of being. As a mum, you have an advantage – you're aware of your child's little habits, what makes them smile, what catches their interest, and what gets them thinking. 

Start by observing your child in their natural state. Notice how they interact with their environment, their favourite toys, or even their expressions during different activities. This understanding can guide you in creating a photo session that not only captures their true self but also makes them comfortable and engaged.

Engagement is crucial. Turn the photo session into a playful adventure rather than a structured task. Allow your child to lead the way – maybe they want to show off a new dance move, run around in the backyard, or simply cuddle their favourite teddy bear. These candid moments often result in the most genuine and memorable photographs.

Remember, the goal is not perfection but authenticity. Embrace the imperfect hair, the untied shoelaces, or the mischievous grin. These elements add character to your photos, making them truly representative of your child's personality at this stage in their life.

Lastly, it’s important to keep the photography session fun and stress-free. Avoid forcing poses or smiles, as children can easily pick up on stress or urgency, which might reflect in their expressions. The more relaxed the environment, the more natural and vibrant the photos will be.

As you capture these moments, consider how they will look when printed. Imagine these photos as part of your home, a reminder of these fleeting moments.

By understanding your child and engaging in playful picture-taking, you can capture the perfect moments of your kids that are ideal for photo prints, preserving not just images, but the essence of childhood.

Crafting the Perfect Backdrop for Childhood Memories

Setting up the perfect environment is the key. The place and atmosphere you choose can greatly influence your child's comfort and ease, directly impacting how natural and authentic the photos turn out. When choosing a location, consider places where your child feels the most at ease. It could be their favourite park, a room in your home filled with their toys, or even a backyard garden. Familiar settings not only provide comfort but also add a personal touch to the photos.

The use of natural light is another key element in setting the scene. Natural light, particularly during the golden hours of early morning or late afternoon, offers a soft, warm glow that can beautifully enhance your photos. It brings out the true colours and creates a gentle ambiance that complements the innocence and spontaneity of childhood. Try to schedule your photo sessions during these times for the best lighting.

In terms of setting up the scene, simplicity is key. Avoid overly staged setups or props that can distract from the subject of your photo - your child. The focus should be on capturing their natural state and interactions with their surroundings. A simple blanket in the park, a few of their favourite toys, or a pretty dress or costume they love can be more than enough to create a memorable photo.

It’s also important to consider the background of your shots. A cluttered or busy background can take the focus away from your child. Look for clean, simple backgrounds or use a shallow depth of field to blur the background and keep your child as the focal point.

Remember, the goal is to capture photos that feel genuine and spontaneous - ones that truly encapsulate the essence of your child and the moment. These are the photos that, when printed, will hold the most value and bring back the fondest memories. To immortalise these special moments, opt for custom canvas prints – a stunning and long-lasting choice for showcasing your memories.

Creating the right environment for your child’s photos involves choosing comfortable and familiar locations, utilising natural light, keeping settings simple, and focusing on capturing authentic moments. These elements combined will help you create stunning photos that are perfect for printing and cherishing forever.

Timing - The Secret Ingredient

Capturing the perfect photo of your child often comes down to timing. Identifying the right moment when they are most cooperative and in a good mood can significantly influence the outcome of your photography session. Every child has a unique rhythm and pattern throughout the day - some are bubbly and energetic in the morning, while others might be more agreeable after a nap or a meal. As a mum, you’re likely attuned to these patterns. Utilise this knowledge to schedule your photo sessions during times when your child is usually happiest and most relaxed.

The importance of patience in child photography cannot be overstated. Unlike adults, kids rarely respond well to being posed or directed in a photo shoot. Instead, they are at their best when they are simply being themselves, engaged in play or exploration. This approach requires patience, as the most heartwarming and genuine photos often arise from spontaneous moments. Be prepared to wait and watch, camera at the ready, for those unguarded, natural expressions that truly capture your child's personality.

Remember, the goal is not to rush through a list of poses, but to create an enjoyable experience for your child and capture the joy of those moments. Embrace the unpredictability and be flexible. If your child suddenly becomes interested in something off-script, go with it. These impromptu moments can lead to some of the most authentic and memorable photos.

Understanding and adapting to your child's natural rhythms, coupled with a healthy dose of patience, can lead to stunning photographs that capture the essence of their personality and spirit. These are the moments that, when turned into 4x6” photo prints, become priceless snapshots of childhood to cherish for years to come. So, embrace the unpredictability, be patient, and get ready to capture those perfect, spontaneous moments that make for the best photos.

Harnessing Your Camera's Capabilities for Captivating Child Photos

When it comes to photographing kids, knowing your camera inside out is crucial for capturing those quick, special moments. It doesn't matter if you're snapping pictures with a fancy DSLR or your everyday smartphone – getting a grip on the fundamental camera settings can really up the game in your photo quality.

For DSLR Users:

  • Experiment with Aperture: Start with aperture priority mode. Use a wider aperture (lower f-number) for a soft background and to highlight your child in solo shots. Switch to a smaller aperture (higher f-number) for action scenes or group photos to keep everything sharp. 
  • Manage Shutter Speed: Use a fast shutter speed (at least 1/250th of a second) for active children to freeze motion and avoid blurring. 

Smartphone Photography:

  • Adjust Settings Manually: Use manual or pro mode in modern smartphones for greater control. 
  • Focus Features: Employ tap-to-focus for sharp images of your child. Many smartphones have a portrait mode that blurs the background, similar to a DSLR’s effect. 

Composition Techniques:

  • Rule of Thirds: Divide your viewfinder into nine segments for a balanced composition. 
  • Child's Level Perspective: Take photos from your child's eye level for a more personal touch. 

Focusing Strategy:

  • Eyes as Focus Point: Focus on the child's eyes to capture emotion and expression. This is possible with both DSLRs and smartphones. 

By mastering your camera's functions, be it a DSLR or smartphone, you elevate the quality of your child's photos. Combine these technical insights with your creativity and knowledge of your child to capture beautiful, memorable moments worth printing. Remember, the best camera is the one in your hands, and with these tips, you're equipped to capture those special childhood moments.

Bringing Your Photos to Life - The Art of Printing and Preserving

Transforming digital images of your children into physical photo prints is an art in itself. It's a process that turns fleeting moments into lasting memories you can touch and feel. When choosing which photos to print, look for those that really resonate emotionally, tell a meaningful story about your child or family, and have an engaging layout. These are the pictures that will endure and be treasured in the years ahead.

When picking photos for printing, focus on finding those that truly reflect your child's character or capture a unique and memorable family moment. It could be a candid laugh, a thoughtful gaze, or a playful interaction. The emotional value of these photos far outweighs technical perfection. Remember, it's the emotion and story that will resonate with you and your family when you look back at these prints.

Once you've selected the photos, consider the print sizes and materials. For larger wall spaces, canvas prints can be an excellent choice. They offer a modern and stylish way to display your cherished memories and can become the focal point of a room. For smaller spaces or more intimate displays, framed prints offer a classic and elegant look. Choose a print size that suits the space where you'll display it, be it a prominent spot on your living room wall, a cosy corner in the bedroom, or a welcoming area in your hallway.

Choosing the right material is also crucial. High-quality printing on durable materials ensures that your photos withstand the test of time. Canvas prints, for instance, provide a texture that can add depth to your images, while high-quality paper in framed prints offers a traditional and timeless appeal.

Incorporating these photo prints into your home decor not only personalises your living space but also keeps those precious memories in everyday view. Create a gallery wall of different moments and stages of your child's life, or place a framed print on your bedside table or mantle. These prints serve as daily reminders of the joy and love that fill your family life.

Printing your kids' photos is a beautiful way to preserve memories and share stories. It's about making the intangible tangible, turning digital moments into physical keepsakes that can be passed down and cherished. As you look at these prints, let them be a reminder of the beautiful journey of parenthood and the fleeting moments of childhood captured forever in print.

A Journey of Love - From Clicks to Prints

Capturing our children's photos is more than just a hobby; it's a heartfelt journey of preserving precious moments. Every kids photo we snap and choose to print is a testament to the moments we cherish, encapsulating the growth and fleeting nature of childhood. This guide is a roadmap for mums, offering tips to understand your child's unique personality, set the right environment for photos, choose the best timing, and master your camera. The journey of documenting these moments turns digital captures into tangible photo prints, creating a lasting legacy for your children.

As you navigate this journey, embrace the dual role of being a mum and a storyteller. Let your photos reflect the beautiful chaos and tender moments of parenthood. These tips aim to encourage you to start or continue capturing these precious times, transforming them into beautiful photo prints that integrate into your family's life and home. These prints become invaluable treasures, narrating your children's magical journey through childhood. So, grab your camera, capture those irreplaceable moments, and watch as they come to life in prints, forming a cherished mosaic of childhood memories.

Essential Photo Prints and Products for Capturing Kids' Memories from Photo Prints Now

Incorporating photo prints into your family's life can turn everyday moments into cherished keepsakes. Here's a guide to the best products and categories from Photo Prints Now, specifically tailored for mums looking to capture and preserve their children's growth and precious moments. This list serves as a handy reference for choosing the right print or product to bring your cherished photos to life.

  • Canvas Prints: For those special, larger-than-life moments, Photo Prints Now offers high-quality canvas prints. These are ideal for creating a modern look on your walls, perfect for displaying key moments like your child's first steps or a memorable family holiday. Their durable nature ensures these memories are preserved beautifully. 
  • Family Crests Wall Art: For a personal touch that speaks to heritage and family lineage, consider the customizable family crests wall art. This unique product allows you to personalise your space with a piece of art that celebrates your family's heritage, making it a conversation piece in any room. 
  • Photo Mugs: Turn everyday moments into cherished keepsakes with customisable photo mugs. Whether it’s a snapshot from a birthday party or a candid family moment, these mugs offer a personal touch to your morning coffee or as a gift. Check out the variety of mug categories, including Birthday mugs, Christmas mugs, and family-themed options.
  • Poster Prints: For impactful visuals in your child's room or a feature wall in the living area, poster prints are an excellent choice. These large format prints can dramatically showcase your favourite moments, perfect for themed kids’ rooms or as a bold statement piece. 

Each of these products is designed to help you celebrate and preserve the beautiful journey of your child's growth, ensuring these memories are displayed in the most fitting and lasting way.


How can I capture natural expressions in children's photography?

To capture natural expressions in children's photos, engage with them in a playful and relaxed manner. Choose a familiar and comfortable setting, and take photos when they're in a good mood, perhaps after playtime or a snack.

What's the best environment for taking kids' photos?

The best environment for kids' photos is a place where they feel comfortable and free. Outdoor settings like a garden or a park, or a familiar indoor space, can work wonders. Using natural light and avoiding clutter in the background helps to create beautiful, natural photos.

What's the ideal time to take photos of children? 

You'll get the best shots when kids are at their happiest and most at ease, often in the early morning or right after they've had a nap. Utilise natural light and be patient to capture candid moments that reflect their true personality.

What camera settings are ideal for photographing fast-moving kids?

For fast-moving kids, use a faster shutter speed to freeze motion, like 1/250 sec or faster. If using a smartphone, try burst mode to capture multiple shots quickly. A wider aperture (lower f-number) helps focus on the child and blur the background.

How do I turn my kids' digital photos into lasting memories? 

To turn digital photos into lasting memories, select the best shots that evoke emotions and tell a story. Consider different print sizes and materials like canvas or framed prints for display. Printing services like Photo Prints Now can help transform these digital memories into beautiful, tangible photo prints for your home.